Rachel is a comedian hailing from the West Midlands, England, UK. Her first gig was Downstairs at the King’s Head in Crouch End. At her 4th gig, she went on to become a semi-finalist in the prestigious So You Think You're Funny? competition in 2021. Subsequently, Rachel enrolled onto the Soho Theatre‘s Comedy Lab: Stand-up during the l
Rachel is a comedian hailing from the West Midlands, England, UK. Her first gig was Downstairs at the King’s Head in Crouch End. At her 4th gig, she went on to become a semi-finalist in the prestigious So You Think You're Funny? competition in 2021. Subsequently, Rachel enrolled onto the Soho Theatre‘s Comedy Lab: Stand-up during the lockdown.
Rachel has performed extensively on the UK circuit (including The Glee, The Comedy
Store, Backyard Comedy Club, Up The Creek, Frog and Bucket, Just The Tonic, Vauxhall Comedy Club, Monkey Barrel) as well as internationally (France and Ireland).
Rachel has been featured in the Nottingham Comedy Festival, Leicester Comedy Festival and Birmingham Comedy Festival. Rachel’s comedy can be described as an irreverent, topical and observational take on millennial struggles; often incorporating a surreal twist!
Rachel trained as an actress at Identity School of Acting and Manchester School of Acting. Rachel trained in playwrighting after being selected to be part of the Royal Court Theatre Young Writers Programme and also won a place on the BBC Writersroom through Ideas Tap.